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Introduction of the Eco Mark Program

1.Institution of the Eco Mark


 The Eco Mark program which the Japan Environment Association undertakes, is managed in accordance with the standard and principle (ISO 14020 - An environmental label and declaration, a general principle, ISO 14024 - An environmental label and declaration, a type I environmental-label display, a principle and procedure) of International Organization of Standardization (ISO). This system is to be said that the use of the label is accepted by the organization of the third party based on independent and multi standards.


2.Selection of a product category and establishment of Certification Criteria

   In Eco Mark, the product category set as the object of Eco Mark is selected to the category of the products accepted to be suitable for environmental preservation in Eco Mark Committee for Establishing Category and Criteria which consists of the representatives, such as the industrial world, consumers and scholars.
 Certification Criteria for every product category has taken the environmen the life stage (resource extraction, manufacture, distribution, use, disposal, recycling) of products into consideration and enacted.
  For the latest list of product categories, please refer the homepage for the introduction of product category.
 Examination for product certification cannot be performed when there is no corresponding product category.
  In that case, a new product can be proposed in accord with Guidelines for Proposing Eco Mark Product Category defined independently. For further information, please refer “Guide of Proposing a new Eco Mark Product Category Eor visit our website at If there is an unclear issue, please ask the Eco Mark Office Criteria Section.


3.Examination for product Certification and the Eco Mark Utilization Contract

   Based on Certification Criteria for the corresponding product category, the Eco Mark Committee for Product Certification performs examination for product certification of the Eco Mark. When it is certified, it is required to conclude Eco Mark Utilization Contract between the applicant and the Japan Environment Association (JEA) for the every product that is subject to. It is allowed to use and display of Eco Mark to the product concerned till the expiry date indicated in the Certification Criteria concerned, from the date of conclusion of Eco Mark Contract.
 ⇁EPlease refer to page 11 “E . 2. Application Procedure of Eco Mark.
